Mayenne General Council

Sainte Suzanne (53)


Exhibition design Layout about the Sainte-Suzanne Fortress
Public Tender : lot « models »
Evron Abbey Model
Scale : 1/100th
Dimensions : 80 x 44 h 33cm
Sainte-Suzanne Fortress Model
Scale: 1/100th
Dimensions : 95 x 145 h 78cm , relief 50cm
Lassay Castle Model
Scale : 1/100th
Dimensions : 90 x 65 h 15cm

Made under inclusion resin :
– Seeds, animals furr (fox, wild boar…) pinecones…

Pigmy shrew skeleton and deer skull

Tactile Animal footprints

Tactile cob facade

Mayenne ‘s relief map for video-projection

Materials : Model lab, Perspex, Wood, acrylic resin, epoxy resin
Exhibition design : S&J JUPIN